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American College
of  Community Midwives

A professional organization
for Community Midwives

Continuing Education

The ACCM recognizes that the primary purpose of maternity care is to preserve the health of already healthy mothers and babies

    Therefore, the ACCM
promotes the science-based or 'physiological model' of childbirth as the single universal standard for all practitioners who provide care to healthy women with normal pregnancies.


This is also known as the
“social model” of normal childbirth and includes the appropriate use of obstetrical intervention for complications or at the mother’s request.

[1] Topical Index for
Evidence-based Midwifery

[3] Safety Issues

International Midwifery


Newest, Most Interesting or Important Studies 

International Journal 
Domiciliary Midwifery

Hospital Birth Disaster 
January 19, 2006


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The Myth of the Ideal Cesarean Section Rate 
click link to access PDF of full text OR read excerpt below 

American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2005
Clinical Opinion by Dr. Ronal M. Cyr, MD
Fellow in the History of American Obstetrics and Gynecology

Brief Excerpt from this article, page 935 & 936,

In Europe , better perinatal outcomes are achieved with lower cesarean rates and less spending on health care. In those countries, midwives manage most low-risk pregnancies, with obstetricians acting as consultants. How did procedure-oriented specialists (referring to obstetricians) come to perform midwifery and well-woman care in the US ?

 Although trained midwives provide safe obstetrics care, with lower cesareans sections rates, they attend only 7% of births in the US – working mostly in environment where they don’t complete economically with doctors.

In truth the average obstetrician-gynecologist compares poorly to the family practitioner in the breadth of her training for primary care, and there is little office obstetrics and gynecology that cannot be performed competently by midlevel practitioners. In teaching hospitals, the reduced work schedule of residents is creating service needs that can only be addressed by in-hospital personnel.

 Because, by training and inclination, obstetricians spend little time and support during labor why not phase out the generalist (non-perinatologist OBs) altogether? 

A self-regulated midwifery profession, working in collaborative practice with consulting perinatologists, would appear to provide a better model for *obstetric care [*actually midwifery care  in the historical sense of the term i.e., non surgical maternity care to healthy women]                          click here to read conclusion of excerpt


Safety & Cost Effectiveness of the 
Midwifery Model of Care and Community-based Birth Services


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