wpe8.jpg (8767 bytes) a midwife by any other name....

........the following list is the word "midwife" in 17 languages / countries. It  is from a postcard produced by the:

Florida School of Traditional Midwifery, PO Box 5505, Gainesville, FL 904/338-0766

Rumanian ~

Hawaiian ~ Pale Keike
Vietnamese ~ codo
Japanese ~ samba
Korean ~ chosanwon
Chinese ~ shou shen p'o
Polish ~ akuszerka
Russian ~ a kyme pka
Greek udiyovaio
Italian levatrice
Spanish partera
Portuguese partiera
French sage-femme
Danish jorde moder
Swedish barmorska
Dutch vroedvrouw
Yiddish varts-froy

blessings and continued joy in our work *~*

~midge, home based midwife in the florida keys
(somewhere between the world series winners home place and cuba :-)

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