Cesarean Mortality Statistics & Hospital Use Information

Hospital-based, interventive obstetrics is directly associated with 4 to 6 times more cesareans than midwifery management. While cesareans surgery is safer now than ever before, it is still many times more risky than vaginal births.

Ratio of Deaths per 100,000 women
Spontaneous Vaginal Birth: ..6 deaths 1 per 16,666 deliveries
Auto Accidents: 20 deaths 1 per 5,000 women 14-34
Most Dangerous Occupation: 22 deaths cab drivers NYC
Breast Cancer: 26 deaths 1 per 3,846 women Dx
Cesarean Section: 31 deaths 1 per 3,225 surgeries

Cesarean Prevention Strategies

Cesarean surgeries are directly associated with increased rates of maternal mortality. This means that out of 4.5 million births last year, a CS rate of 24% resulted in the death of approximately 341 new mothers from the complications of cesarean surgery, compared to only 270 for vaginal birth, -- more deaths for the 1/4 of the mothers delived by section that the 3/4 quarters who gave birth vaginally. Quite clearly, preventing unnecessary cesarean surgeries prevents maternal mortality.


Midwifery management prevents cesarean surgeries. Prevention of medically-unnecessary reproductive surgeries also increases opportunities for valuable maternal-child interaction during the postpartum, promotes family bonding and wellbeing, increases the rate of successful breastfeeding and reduces the cost of maternity care.

Hospital Profit Margin

Materntiy care -- 38 cents profit on the dollar

Cardiac Surgery -- 5 cents on the dollar

#1 Discharge diagnoses of patients
admitted to CA hospitals 1992:

"Normal Childbirth is #1"

Synopsis: Categories of hospitalization within top 15 discharges diagnoses
1. Obstetrical & Neonatal care: 1,055,569   + Gyn surg: 49,204 1,104,773
2. Medical Care     ....295,280
3. Psychiatric Care     ....116,730
4. Non-Gyn Surgical Care     ......74,230

TOTAL DISCHARGES ..........................ALL DRGS: 3,700,244
TOTAL Maternity-related hospital discharges: 1,055,569
(total number of hospital births: 495,581)