California College of Midwives
State chapter ~ American College of Community Midwives

Section One


e Restrictions and prohibitions on the out-of-hospital administration of medications, surgical procedures and instrumental deliveries

A. The Midwife shall not administer or inject any prescription drugs except as indicated in the LMPA and its amendments or as authorized by a licensed physician or licensed physician-associate (PA, RNC, CNM).

B. Administration of labor-stimulating prescription drugs prohibited


1. The use of synthetic prostaglandin compounds for cervical ripening such as but not limited to Cervidil, Prepidil, or Cytotec, is prohibited for out-of-hospital use, even when prescribed by a physician or physician associate.


2. The use of artificial oxytocics, such as Pitocin, to induce or augment labor, is prohibited through all routes of administration for out-of-hospital use, even when prescribed by a physician or physician associate.

C. Prohibited and Permitted Surgical Procedures ~ The Midwife shall not perform any routine operative procedures or surgical repairs other than:

1. artificial rupture of membranes (AROM)

2. clamping and cutting of the newborn’s umbilical cord

3. perform and repair of episiotomy

4. perineal/vaginal repair after delivery

D. Instrumental Delivery ~ The Midwife shall not use forceps and/or vacuum extraction to assist the birth of the baby.