Original Statutory Requirements
to Practice Midwifery
under the California Midwife’s Certificate
42nd Session, Chapter 81, Section 8, Approved
April 1917, repealed September 1993
to 1993
h A certificate to practice
midwifery shall be in the form designated by the Board and shall entitle the
holder thereof to attend cases of childbirth.
h As used in the act, the
practice of midwifery means the furthering or undertaking by any person to
assist a woman in normal childbirth but it does not include at any childbirth
the use of any instruments, except such instrument as is necessary in severing
the umbilical cord, nor the assisting of childbirth by any artificial,
forcible or mechanical means, nor the performance of any podalic version,
nor the removal of adherent placenta, nor the administering, prescribing,
advising or employing in childbirth any drug, other than a disinfectant or
h A midwife is not authorized
to practice medicine and surgery by the provisions of this chapter.
2351. The certificate to practice midwifery may be revoked if it appears to the satisfaction of the Board that due caution and circumspection were not used or that proper aseptic and antiseptic precautions were not taken in any care that the holder of the form of certificate may have treated.
2352. The certificate to
practice midwifery may be revoked upon conviction for the violation of any
health statute, order or ordinance, or for the neglect or refusal to comply
with the health rules and regulation of any state county city or township.
2353. The certificate to
practice midwifery may be revoked for the treatment of a complicated vertex
presentation by the holder of this form of certificate in any case of labor
in which this condition occurs without calling or attempting to call a person
authorized to practice a system, including the practice of obstetrics, under
this chapter or any preceding medical practice act.
2354. The
certificate to practice midwifery may be revoked for failure to refer to a
person authorized to practice a system, including the practice of obstetrics, a
case which has or develops any of the following conditions during Pregnancy.
Contracted pelvis or other deformity that will
interfere with labor
Bleeding from the uterus
Swelling of face and hands
Excessive vomiting
Persistent headache
Dimness of vision
2355. The
certificate to practice midwifery may be revoked for failure to call or
summon a physician if any of the following conditions exist or develop at
the beginning of or during Labor:
Complicated presentation of a vertex (compound
presentation of head)
Prolapse of the cord
Swelling or tumor that obstructs the birth of the
Signs of exhaustion or of collapse
Unduly prolonged labor
2356. The
certificate to practice midwifery may be revoked for failure to refer to
a person authorized under this chapter or any preceding medical practice act to
practice a system, including the practice of obstetrics, a case which has or
develops the following conditions during the Lying-in Period (Postpartum)
c) Foul smelling discharge (lochia)
Persistent rise of temperature to 101 degrees
Fahrenheit for 24 hours
Swell and redness of the breasts
Severe chill (rigor) with rise of temperature
Inability to nurse the child
2357. The certificate to practice midwifery may be revoked for failure to refer to a person authorized under this chapter or any preceding medical practice act to practice a system, including the practice of obstetrics, a case where the child has or develops and of the following conditions (Neonate):
a) Deformities or malformation or injuries
b) Inability to suckle or nurse
c) Inflammation around or discharge from the navel
d) Swelling and redness of the eyelids with a discharge of pus from the eyes (ophthalmia neonatorum)
e) Bleeding from the mouth, navel or bowels
f) Inability to urinate
2358. The certificate to practice midwifery may be revoked for the treatment by the holder of this certificate that is know as the introduction of the hand into the vagina or uterus to remove placenta or membranes.