UpdateArticles of Interest to Midwives
Excerpts from April 1998 OB GYN News "Normal Baseline FHR - Doesn't Rule Out Hypoxia" -- identifying the 4 types of intrapartum fetal distress, how to recognize them using intermittent auscultation
Aetna US Healthcare Denies Coverage for Home-based Birth Services, terminates CNM for providing domiciliary midwifery care -- ACDM letter to Aetna in reponse
Five great articles from Bandolier Evidence-based health care web site ~ produced monthly in Oxford for the NHS R&D / August 1998 Issue 54
Epidurals increase caesarean section rate
The GP's guide to home birth -- advise for General Practitioners in the UK
Antibiotics for Acute Otitis Media
Evidence-informed Patient Choice
Alligator alley - The Paling Perspective Scale -- a simple way of communicating risks (to the public and each other), and is the central feature of a book Up to your Armpits in Alligators by John Paling
Intrapartum Administration of Ampicilln Prophylaxis in GBS Mothers May Raise Risk of Neonatal E. Coli Infection
Client Information & Consent for Group B Streptococcal Infections
Recent Ob.Gyn publication carries 3 articles praising midwives --
Midwife's Level of Experience Key plus Rules for Successful Collaboration
MDs find Midwives Offer High Standard of Care
Midwife present Solutions to Arrested Second Stage Labor
The British Journal of Midwifery - now available on the Internet
"The Battle Over Home Delivery" by Karen Ann Coburn -- an interesting article in the October issue of GOVERNING magazine
"Midwives Under Fire" -- this month's cover story in Minnesota Parents Magazine by Katie Allison Granju
Commentary by Susan Hodges,Citizens for Midwifery, on the ACNM "Issue Brief" regarding the establishments of training programs for direct entry midwives by ACNM
Text of ACNM's Recent Developments in Midwifery Certification
Special Circumstances Informed Consent / Informed Declination -- VBAC, Macrosomia, Twins, postdates
The Use of Medical Grade Super Glue for Perineal Lacerations
Policy Changes from the Office of Vital Records
regarding the birth registration by midwives of babies born at home
total documents - 6 - cover letter, policy-setting letter,
Packets A, B, C and affidavittIndex & URL for Previously Published Articles