IJDM International Journal
of Domiciliary Midwifery
1820 Historical Document: "Employment of Females as Practitioners in Midwifery" -- a physician lists reasons why women should not be educated or trained in midwifery
The Official Plan to Eliminate the Midwife -- overview and quotes from archival sources on the 1900-1930 campaign to eliminate the independent practice of midwifery
Midwives of Antiquity -- historical contributions of midwives to the practice of medicine
Historical Campaign to Eliminate the Independent practice of Midwifery -- list of documents published in the US -- 1880 to 1950
A Brief History of Hospital-based Maternity Services
as Relates to the Routine Nursery Care of Normal Newborns
IJDM Bulletin #1 -- Excerpts from Alan Guttmacher's 1937 book for the lay public "Into This Universe" , chapter 4, "Safer Childbirth"
IJDM #2 Excerpts from the Journal of the American Public Health Association, Vol 5 1915, Boston, Mass
IJDM # 3 - Intro to the Transactions of the American Association for the Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality, anual meeting November 11, 1912, including excerpts from a paper entitled "The Elimination of the Midwife", presented By Charles Edward Zieler, MD,
Archival Reprint #1 -- excerpts -- Dr. J. Whitridge Williams' paper: "Medical Education and the Elimination of the Midwife"
Archival Reprint #2 -- excerpts -- Dr. Joseph DeLee's scientific paper "Towards an Ideal Obstetrics"
Archival Project #3 -- NEW Hotlinked page to access the citations for research used in the campaign to "Eliminate the Midwife"
Archival Project #4 1880 LifeBuoy Soap Opera -- Very funny historical material by Levers Bros. -- the story of germs & selling soap