1977 Letter from Chief of OB-GYN, Stanford University Hospital
expressing his vitriolic opposition to California midwifery licensing bill AB 1896

Pertinent Quote:  "The outcome of .... AB 1896 would be a significant increase in perinatal morbidity and mortality and maternal morbidity and mortality in this state.

If we want an increase in cerebral palsy, mental retardation, extended hospitalizations for mothers undergoing infections, fistulas, hemorrhages, and other severe and disabling results of neglected childbirth, only then could one endorse bill AB 1896.   

I strongly advocate in the interest of the present generation of mothers and the next generation of children tatn bill AB 1896 be voted down, Sincerely Dr. W. LeRoy Heinrichs, M.D. Ph.D.

(Editor's Note: There is zero scientific support for Dr Heinrich's statements)