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Focus Group for Improving Healthcare
Our vision is universal access to affordable,
evidenced-based, cost-effective health care within a 1,000 days...To bring that about, we need
a 1,000 people, a 1,000 days and a 1,000 acts -- big and small
b Join us .... It's Day 1, Person 1, Act 1 -- only 999 to go!
The health system in the US must once again become an inclusive system, one that recognizes the contribution of the entire spectrum of "healing arts" and their associated sciences. This includes traditional and 'alternative' healthcare practitioners, such as Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and other non-physician practitioners, such as the independent practice of midwifery.
In an integrated system, primary care is provided by Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and professional midwives (CNMs and LMs). Primary practitioners provide initial access to services for all routine and non-acute healthcare needs, minor illnesses, etc and refer those with serious or urgent medical needs to MDs.
For universal healthcare to be effective and affordable, the artificial chokepoint build into the system by organized medicine in 1910 (chokepoint medicine) must be eliminated. The inappropriate medicalization of all health care in an all-allopathic, MD-centric system requires that everyone be seen first by an MD (or a 'physician extender') in order to access any additional health care services. While this process currently includes a the category of fully trained primary practitioners, organized medicine has used its influence to create legal restrictions that do not allow them to practice as independent professionals. Instead they can only provide care as employees of an MD, who bills insurance companies at MD rates.
This sub-directory provides access to historical and contemporary documents from original and secondary sources that provide information essential to our goals of improving healthcare.
Each of the major documents comes as (1) a very brief synopsis: (2) a fuller exploration of the its contents and (3) the long original "Google book" (short one only 133 pages, long one 386 pages!).
For that reason, these documents have been organized into 3 sets ~ small, medium and large. These categories are a measure of how long they take to read or how extensive and in-depth the information is.================================================================== Smallest set L for quick glance
A - Topics --> General healthcare and medical education and practice
B - Topics --> Maternity care, evidence-base practice and midwifery
Medium-length Set N More in-depth but not the whole enchilada!
A - Topics --> General healthcare and medical education and practice
B - Topics --> Maternity care, evidence-base practice and midwifery
Long set -- Full length books Ofor the studiousA - Topics --> General healthcare and medical education and practice
B - Topics --> Maternity care, evidence-base practice and midwifery